General Education Courses by Domain
Starting in the 2025-2026 academic year, the courses listed below will be incorporated into YSU's general education curriculum.
Courses on this list with honors designations also retain their general education status (e.g., CMST 1545H).
English Composition
Writing 1
- ENGL 1549 Writing 1 With Support OR
- ENGL 1550 Writing 1 OR
- ENGL 1550H Honors Writing 1
Writing 2
- ENGL 1551 Writing 2 (Students with ACT scores at or above 28 will only need to take ENGL 1551) OR
- ENGL 1551H Honors Writing 2 OR
- (other discipline-specific writing course)
MATH 1510 College Algebra/MATH 1510C College Algebra with Co-Requisite Support OR MATH 1513 Algebra and Transcendental Function
MATH 1571 Calculus 1/MATH 1571H Honors Calculus 1/MATH 1571X Calculus 1 Extended OR MATH 1570 Applied Calculus 1 OR MATH 1581 Calculus for the Health Sciences 1/MATH 1581H Honors Calculus for the Health Sciences 1 OR MATH 1585H Honors Accelerated Calculus 1
MATH 2623 Quantitative Reasoning/MATH 2623H Honors Quantitative Reasoning/MATH 2623C Quantitative Reasoning with Co-Requisite Support OR MATH 2661 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 1/MATH 2661C Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 1 with Co-Requisite Support
PHIL 2619 Intro to Logic
STAT 2625 Statistical Literacy and Critical Reasoning/STAT 2625C Statistical Literacy and Critical Reasoning with Co-Requisite Support OR STAT 2601 Introductory Statistics
Arts & Humanities
AFST 2601 Intro Africana Studies 2
ART 1541 Survey of Art History 1
ART 1544 Survey of Art History: Body, Gender, and Self
ART 1591 Idea Development and Creativity in Cultural Context
ENGL 1590 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 2631 Mythology in Literature
ENGL 2618 Amer Literature and Diversity
ENGL 2665 Introduction to Film Study
HIST 1500 Discovering World History
HIST 1501 Discovering U.S. History
HIST 1511 World Civilization to 1500
HIST 1512 World Civilization since 1500
HIST 2605 Turning Points US History 1
JOUR 2603 Media Ethics Social Responsibility
MUHL 2618 Rock n Roll to Rock
MUHL 2621 Music Lit and Appreciation
MUHL 2622 Popular Music in America
MUHL 2624 Survey of Hip Hop
PHIL 1560 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1561 Technology and Human Values
PHIL 1565 Critical Thinking
PHIL 2625 Intro to Professional Ethics
REL 2601 Intro to World Religions
THTR 1560 Introduction to Theatre
THTR 1590 History of Motion Pictures
Natural Sciences
ASTR 1504 Descriptive Astronomy (and lab)
BIOL 1505 Biology in Modern World (and lab)
BIOL 1551 Anatomy and Physiology 1 (and lab)
BIOL 2601 Gen Biol Molecules and Cells (and lab)
CHEM 1500 Chemistry in Modern Living (and lab)
CHEM 1510 Chem for Allied Health Science (and lab)
CHEM 1515 General Chemistry 1 (and lab)
ENST 1500 Intro to Environmental Science (and lab)
FSCI 1510 Survey of Forensic Science
GEOG1503 Physical Geography (and lab)
GEOG 2630 Weather (and lab)
GEOL 1500 Environmental Geology
GEOL 1504 The Dynamic Earth
GEOL1505 Physical Geology (and lab)
PHYS 1501 Fundamentals 1 (and lab)
PHYS 2610 General Physics 1 (and lab)
Oral Communication
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations OR
CMST 2620 Science Communication
Social & Behavioral Sciences
ALCS 1593 Aging and Society
ANTH 1500 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 1503 Rise and Fall of Civilizations
CMST 2610 Intercultural Communication
CRJS 1500 Introduction Criminal Justice
ECON 1505 Intro to Personal Financial Literacy
ECON 2610 Principles 1: Microeconomics
ENGL 2651 Intro to Language
FNUT 1551 Normal Nutrition
GEOG 2626 World Geography
GEOG 2640 Human Geography
MCOM 1595 Media Literacy and Culture
PHLT 1531 Fundamentals of Public Health
PHLT 1568 Healthy Lifestyles
POL 1560 American Government
POL 2660 International Relations
PSYC 1560 General Psychology
PSYC 2600 Social Psychology
PSYC 2607 Psychology Intimate Relations
SOC 1500 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 2601 Social Problems
WMST 2601 Introduction Women Studies