2000 Model, Skill Courses
Note: Courses noted with an asterisk are accepted as part of the official transfer module
990027 MATH 2623: Survey of Mathematics
Mathematics models emphasizing basic ideas in mathematics and descriptive statistics, stressing concept formation rather than manipulative skills.
Prereq: At least Level 3 on the Mathematics Placement Test or MATH 1501. 3 SH
990378 MATH 2625: Mathematical Literacy and Critical Reasoning
An introduction to contemporary mathematics and its applications. topics include basic scientific methods and a variety of practical problems that can be modeled and solved by quantitative means.
Prereq: Math 1501 or at least Level 3 on the Mathematics Placement Test. Credit will not be given for both MATH 2623 and 2625. 4 SH
The following courses are substitutes for the Math 2623 or Math 2625:
- 1549 (College Business Mathematics 2)
- 1552 (Applied Mathematics for Management)
- 1570 (Applied Calculus II)
- 1571 (Calculus I); 1572/H (Calculus II)
- 1581H (Biomathematics 2)
- 1585H (Calculus Honors)
- 2652 (Mathematics for Early Childhood Teachers 2)
- 2665 (Foundations of Middle School Mathematics 2)
- 2670 (Applied Calculus 2)
- 2686H (Honors Calculus II)
Oral Communication
*990001 COMST 1545H: Honors Communication Theory and Practice
The study of the theories, strategies, and skills for competent participation in interpersonal, group, and public communication situations. Application exercises in interpersonal, group, and public communication situations are included. Stylistic experimentation is encouraged so students develop their own distinctive oral communication style.
Prereq: eligibility for the Honors Program. 3 S.H.
*990002 COMST 1545: Communication Theory and Practice
The study of the theories, strategies, and skills for competent participation in interpersonal, group, and public communication situations. Application exercises in interpersonal, group, and public communication situations are included. 3 S.H.
Writing I, II
*990040 ENGL 1550: Writing I
Strategies for writing as a means of critical inquiry, with a focus on processes and on the roles of writer, audience and purpose as they affect writing. Students divide their time between regular classrooms and computer classrooms, where they are given the opportunity to acquire and develop basic word processing and electronic skills. Open to students on the basis of the Composition and Reading Placement Test results. 3 S.H.
*990042 ENGL 1551: Writing 2
Practice in writing with emphasis on the process of investigation: exploration of topics, formulation of tentative theses, collection of data from suitable primary and secondary sources including print and electronic media, and clear and appropriate presentation of the results of these inquiries. Students divide their time between regular classrooms and computer classrooms, where they are given the opportunity to perform research on the World Wide Web. Prereq.: English 1550. 3 S.H.
*990041 ENGL 1550H: Honors Writing 1
Strategies for writing as a means of critical inquiry, with a focus on writing processes and on the roles of writer, audience and purpose as they affect writing. Writing assignments treat a broad range of ideas, especially in response to challenging readings. Stylistic experimentation is encouraged so that each student can develop a distinctive writing style. Students divide their time between regular classrooms and computer classrooms, where they are given the opportunity to acquire and develop basic word processing and electronic communication skills. Prereq.: eligibility for the Honors program and permit on the basis of the Composition and Reading Placement Test results or upon recommendation of 1550 instructor and approval of Director of Composition. 3 SH
*990043 ENGL 1551H: Honors Writing 2
Research on a single topic of some depth, conducted independently and focused on a single project that results in a substantial investigative paper. Students divide their time between regular classrooms and computer classrooms, where they are given the opportunity to perform research on the World Wide Web.
Prereq: eligibility for the Honors Program and either English 1550H or 1550 and approval of the Director of Composition. 3 SH