2000 Model Knowledge Domain - Societies and Institutions
Note: Courses noted with an asterisk are accepted as part of the official transfer module
*990153 — AFST 2600: Introduction to Africana Studies I
The social-historical and intellectual heritage of Black people in Africa and the Americas. 3 S.H.
990026 —AMER 2601/H: American Identity
Study of American Identity though historical, literary, artistic, material, media, and other sources. Emphasis on American pluralism and cultural debates over the meaning of American identity. 3 S.H
AMER 2605 and 2606 are cross-listed as HIST 2605 and 2606 -- see below.
990607 — AMER 2610/H: Work and Class in American Culture
Interdisciplinary thematic exploration of work and class in American culture with emphasis on the Mahoning Valley. Includes the impact of social movements, technological developments, and new ideas and knowledge. Examines the relationship of class to such social categories as race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and place. Prereq.: Placement in ENGL 1550. 3 S.H
*990049 — ANTH 1500/H (formerly 2602): Introduction to Anthropology
An exposition of the past and present horizons of anthropology, with specific attention to the emergence of humans, prehistory, and human social and cultural systems. 3 S.H.
990515 — ANTH 1503: The Rise and Fall of Civilizations
Comparative Survey of the archeological evidence on the origins, development, and collapse of the great early civilizations of the world. 3 S.H.
990110 — CJFS 1500/H: Introduction to Criminal Justice
An overview of the American criminal justice process with emphasis upon its constitutional foundations, its constitutional limits, and the rights of the individual from arrest through sentencing and release. 3 S.H.
*990028 — ECON 1501: Economics in Action
An introduction to the United States’ economic system and institutions through the examination of current economic problems. Not applicable for a major or minor in economics. 3 S.H.
*990118 — ECON 1502: Panic and Prosperity: U.S. Economic Policy Since the Great Depression
Examines the crises and successes of the American economy since 1929, and how the economic policies of different presidential administrations affected the lives of U.S. citizens. Not applicable towards a major or minor in economics. 3 S.H.
*990078 — ECON 1503/H: Rich and Poor: Diversity and Disparity in the U.S. Workplace
Surveys how labor markets determine the distribution of income and the dramatic changes in the composition of the American labor force. Explores such issues as the widening gap between low and upper income groups, the characteristics of the poor, Affirmative Action, the glass ceiling, the mommy track, and family-friendly working environments. Not applicable towards a major or minor in economics. 3 S.H.
*990149 — ECON 2610/H: Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to the theory of markets, including the behavior of consumers and the conduct of private and public business enterprise. The effects of monopoly and competition on private and social welfare. The role of government in promoting the economic welfare of consumers, workers, and minorities. Prereq.: MATH 1504. 3 S.H.
*990119 — ECON 2630: Principles of Macroeconomics
Studies of growth, inflation, and unemployment at the national level and the performance of the U.S. economy in the global setting. The impacts of national economic policies on individual and social welfare. An extensive discussion and evaluation of the U.S. banking system and its effects on individuals and businesses. Prereq.; ECON 2610 3 S.H. The General Education Committee has determined that a student must choose only one of the courses, ECON 1501, 1502, 1503. The student may choose to take one or both of the Principles courses, but may not combine either one of them with ECON 1501, 1502, 1503.
*990037 — GEOG 2626/H: World Geography
A comparative study of representative regions of the world. Attention is focused on an examination of the physical, cultural, social and political attributes of selected regions. 3 S.H.
*990016 — GEOG 2640: Human Geography
An examination of the place to place variation in people’s utilization of the earth. Topics examined include the distribution of people, spatial variations in culture, urbanization and politization of space. 3 S.H.
990512 — GEOG 2650: Global Economic Landscapes
Geographic patterns of economic activities such as agriculture, manufacturing, retailing and services, and regional patterns and issues in the emerging global economy
GERO 3703 is cross-listed as SOC 3703 — see below
990532 — HIST 1500: Discovering World History
Introduction to the methods, problems, and content of world history from Antiquity to the Present. Emphasizes the relevance of past events and developments to the modern world. Does not count toward the major or minor in History, nor toward Integrated Social Science degrees. 3 S.H.
990578 — HIST 1501: American Dreams
A one-semester survey of American history focusing on five strategic events in the American past. The emphasis will be on culture conflict and compromise, institutions, developments, and revolutions, and the emergence of democracy as concept and practice. 3 S.H.
*990018 — HIST 1511: World Civilizations to 1500
Origins and growth of the major civilizations of the world from the earliest times to about 1500. 3 S.H.
*990020 — HIST 1512: World Civilizations since 1500
Development of the major civilizations of the world from 1500 to the present. 3 S.H.
*990022 — HIST 1511H: World Civilizations to 1500 Honors
An honors course in the origins and growth of the major civilizations of the world from earliest times to about 1500 with emphasis on the analysis and critical evaluation of historical developments. Prereq.: Eligibility for admission to University Honors Program, or recommendation of a history instructor. 3 S.H.
*990024 — HIST 1512H: World Civilizations since 1500 Honors
An honors course in the origins and growth of the major civilizations of the world from about 1500 to the present with emphasis on the analysis and critical evaluation of historical developments. Prereq.: Eligibility for admission to University Honors Program, or recommendation of a history instructor. 3 S.H.
*990030 — HIST 2605/AMER 2605: Turning points in U.S. History 1
Key episodes in the social, economic, political, and cultural development of the United States to 1877, exploring how diverse peoples shaped the growing nation. 3 S.H.
*990031 — HIST 2606/AMER 2606: Turning Points in U.S. History II
Key episodes in the social, economical, political, and cultural development of the United States since 1877, exploring how diverse peoples shaped the maturing nation. 3 S.H.
990551 — PHIL 2608: The Examined Life
Cocrates claimed that the unexamined life was not worth living. This course considers the nature of happiness and well-being, their relation to social institutions, and the roles that civic and personal relations, morality, aesthetics, education, and religion play in providing happiness, purpose, and meaning in one's life. 3 S.H.
*990029 — POL 1550/H: Politics and Globalization
Study of politics, government, and societal institutions at both the national and international levels, emphasizing the impact of international and globalizing trends in society. 3 S.H.
*990117 — POL 1560: American Government
The foundations of American democratic government and citizenship with an emphasis on the responsibilities of citizenship, civil rights, and civil liberties, parties and elections, and American political institutions Students are encouraged to understand and discuss issues of social justice, equality, and freedom, and majoritarianism. Topics include the civil rights movement, campaign finance reform, abortion, federalism, and affirmative action. 3 S.H.
*990139 — POL 2640: Comparative World Government
A comparative analysis of the development of institutions, attitudes, public policy, economic and social systems of a number of foreign political systems. Prereq.: POL 1550 or 1560 3 S.H.
*990098 — REL 2601: Introduction to World Religions
A survey of the major world religions exploring their distinctive features and common threads. A study of their founders, systems of thought, symbols, and sacred literatures. 3 S.H.
*990100 — REL 2617: Introduction to Eastern Religions
A survey of the religions of India, China, Japan, their systems of thought, moral values, and methods of personal transformation. 3 S.H.
*990050 — SOC 1500/H: Introduction to Sociology
An introduction to the science of human societies and groups; analysis of the structures, functions, and processes that bring about changes in societies, groups, communities, classes and institutions. 3 S.H.
990540 — SOC 3703: Aging and Society (also listed as GERO 3703)
An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of aging. Examines the impact of population aging and its effect on the society at large. Individual aging processes as well as the social significance of aging. Prereq: SOC 1500 3 S.H.
*990012 — TCOM 1595 Survey of American Mass Communication (reinstated as SI November, 2007)
A rhetorical examination of the development, operation, and function of radio, television, film, and print media in America. Television documentaries and films illustrate the implication of mass communication. Students examine how a person may be individually affected by mass communication. 3 S.H.
*990103 — WMST 2601: Introduction to Women’s Studies
Introduces key concepts, theoretical frameworks, and interdisciplinary research drawn from current scholarship about women. The course concentrates on major issues relevant to the status and roles of contemporary women, including examination of effects of sexism, racism, ethnicity, and class distinction. 3 S.H.