YSU’s Excellence Training Center (ETC) has partnered with MVMC and community-based organizations (including but not limited to NCUS) to implement WorkAdvance – a comprehensive career pathways program. WorkAdvance will be contextualized to the manufacturing industry and includes barrier removal, math remediation, career readiness training, technical skills training and long-term career coaching.
YSU’s Excellence Training Center (ETC) will serve as the technical skills training provider for WorkAdvance.
Participants for WorkAdvance will be sourced by community partners
The program will be four weeks
The goal is to have at least nine cohorts per year
Community based organizations like NCUS and Aspire will provide
Long term career coaching/mentoring
Math remediation
Career readiness training
The ETC will:
Provide classroom space and access to the necessary technology for their part of the program
Provide access to the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) curriculum and an instructor to facilitate the 30–40-hour hybrid-course who will also proctor the credentialing exam
Provide lecture and hands-on opportunities in dimensional measurement.
If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact:
Wasilwa Mwonyonyi wmwonyonyi@ncusolutions.com at NCUS (National Center for Urban Solutions)