TechCred is an Ohio reimbursement grant program for employers. To apply, the company/institution must be in Ohio and the employee receiving training, must live in Ohio. Employers decide which training/certificate courses they want their employees to attend and if that course is listed on the TechCred website, then they can specify that they are requesting funding for that course for X number of incumbent employees or future hires. They can apply for up to $2,000 per person, per credential and the grant allows companies to apply for a total of $30,000 each application period. Companies must complete application for the grant through the state portal before sending employees to training. Training for approved credentials may start on or after the first day of the month immediately following the last application period. Training programs must still be completed in less than 12 months from the award date.
If the training/certificate course that is required is NOT listed on the TechCred website, employers may request that it be added. The courses must fall into one of the following categories; robotics/automation, manufacturing technology, information technology, construction technology, military and smart transportation, IoT and Cybersecurity, Healthcare Technology and Business Technology. If a company requests that a course be added to the list, a description of the class will be needed.
To Apply
Go to:
You will need the following information:
organization/institution’s Federal Tax ID
organization/institution’s Payee ID number
* Applicant companies must be registered as a payee with the State of Ohio to be reimbursed for approved training costs.
* The Payee ID account must include the applicant’s legal business name as it is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State's Office and the IRS and include the address listed in this application.
* To register as a new payee or update an existing account with the State of Ohio visit and follow the prompts until completed.
* Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation with a registration number. THIS IS NOT YOUR PAYEE ID NUMBER.
* Once this information has been approved, you will receive a second email that provides you with your ten-digit State of Ohio Payee ID. THIS IS THE NUMBER YOU ENTER AS YOUR PAYEE ID NUMBER.
* Questions regarding the Payee ID number? Please visit
* Please note that it typically takes 7-10 business days to update or create a Payee ID account.
full address, business industry, total number of employees at the organization and website of the institution/organization.
name of the credential classes you are looking for and the number of employees you wish to send to that/those course(s).
is the class online, in-person or hybrid
cost of the class
name of the training provider and the type of provider (university, private training provider, etc.)
The Employer must apply for the grant during an application period (usually every other month) before sending employee to training. The employer must pay for the employee to attend training up front. Once the employee completes the training and receives a certificate, the employer must submit appropriate paperwork to the state for reimbursement within 6 weeks of the class.
Paperwork needed for Reimbursement:
Copy of credential earned
Invoice clearly showing the cost of the class
Proof of payment
Employment verification form-(e.g. last 4 digits of SS# and address of employee, date and name of credential, hire date, verification that W4 and IT4 is on file, and whether employee was paid during period credential was received)