5 April 2019 - 8:00am to 2:00pm04/05/2019 12:00pm04/05/2019 6:00pmYSEA Basket Raffle FundraiserThe Youngstown Student Education Association (YSEA) is hosting a Basket Raffle to benefit Read Across America. Over 30 baskets to choose from! Come and see the selection! Cost of tickets: 1-$1, 6-$5, 15-$102101 OfficeCrystal M. HawthorneUTCpublic
Beeghly Hall
2101 Office
The Youngstown Student Education Association (YSEA) is hosting a Basket Raffle to benefit Read Across America. Over 30 baskets to choose from! Come and see the selection! Cost of tickets: 1-$1, 6-$5, 15-$10