Toolbox Workshop

This event is free and open to the public. Morning Session How to Win an Ohio Historical Marker led by Laura Russell, Historical Markers Coordinator at Ohio History Connection. The competition to obtain Ohio Historical Markers has increased remarkable. Besides reliance on creditable sources and compelling statements of historical significance, strong marker applications share other traits. Find our what those are and how to submit an application that will win approval. There will be a break for lunch (not provided) before Andy Verhoff, the History Fund Grant Manager at Ohio History Connection begins the afternoon session how to Write a Good Grant & Introdcution to the HIstory Fund at 1:30 pm. Discover grant writing techniques and learn about the History Fund grant program of the Ohio History Connection. Understand the elements of a competitive grant application, and find ways to make your application STAND OUT! This workshop is FREE and open to the public. Send RSVP and questions to Brianna Treleven at Registration is highly encouraged but not required. Free parking is available in the museum lot on Wood Street.