Vehicle Accident Report

What to do in case of an accident?


Turn off the ignition


Guard the scene from further damage


Render only what first aid you are qualified to give. Don't move injured unless absolutely necessary. For serious injury, call an ambulance


Notify local police department. In many states it is unlawful to leave the accident without permission. Cooperate with the authorities. If the police do not arrive at the scene proceed to the local police department and file a desk report.


Get all the necessary information for an accurate report (include witness information where applicable)


Follow internal procedures. Report all accidents to your department manager for the University.


Do not discuss the facts of the accident with anyone other than a law enforcement agency or a representative of your company.

Indicate location of all traffic signals, stop signs, speed limit signs, etc. Indicate location of all vehicles/pedestrians and witnesses.
Location of Accident
Authority Contacted
University Vehicle
Other Vehicle Information