Hello! My name is Morgan Davidson and I am the Graduate Assistant Intern ASC Accessibility Services. I grew up in the Mahoning Valley and am proud to be part of the YSU community. In 2014, I received my bachelor’s degree in Integrated Mathematics Education at YSU. After graduating, I worked as a math teacher in Youngstown at Potential Development High School for Autism. I recently returned to YSU to work as a GAI and be part of the School Psychology program. My new job will include assisting with the student notetaker program and academic coaching. I am excited to help students achieve their full potential and believe everyone has the capability to succeed.
Get to know more about me...
If you won a free trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Iceland – it is absolutely beautiful and would be an amazing adventure. I want to hike on glaciers, see the northern lights, explore the inside of an inactive volcano, walk through ice caves, visit the black sand beach, snorkel between tectonic plates and soak in the Blue Lagoon. I could continue adding to this list but it’s a bit too long already.
What is your favorite thing about Youngstown State University?
I love that our mascot is a penguin. Not many places have such a fun, unique mascot. For my undergraduate graduation my sister bought me a build-a-bear penguin in a graduation gown along with the cap and a diploma.
If you could see anyone in concert (dead or alive) who would you go see?
Lizzo – she is my personal hero. I love her whole vibe! The world we live in can be such a challenging place full of negativity. I love her ability to shake things up and promote positivity and self-love.