"Choose Ohio First – Undergraduate Research Experiences with IoT and AMBs"
A. Pesch, M. Anderson, N. Aboki
2024 ASEE Annual Conference
"A Comparison of GaN Transistors to MOSFETs for Active Magnetic Levitation"
A. Pesch, N. Aboki, J. Villamizar-Vasquez, F. Li, V. Borra
18th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings
"Transient Thermal and Electrical Characteristics of a Cylindrical LiFeS2 Cell with Equivalent Circuit Model"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, P. Cortes, E. MacDonald, F. Li, K. Choo
9th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer
"Transient Thermal and Electrical Characteristics of a Cylindrical LiFeS2 Cell with Equivalent Circuit Model"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, P. Cortes, E. MacDonald, F. Li, K. Choo
, volume 14, p. 155
"A novel modal representation of battery dynamics"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, F. Li, P. Cortes, E. Macdonald, K. Choo
IEEE Access, volume 10, p. 16793--16806
"A Novel Modal Representation of Battery Dynamics"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, F. Li, P. Cortes, E. MacDonald, K. Choo
IEEE Access, volume 10
"A Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Dynamic Characterization of Cylindrical Batteries"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, F. Li, P. Cortes, E. Macdonald, K. Choo
IEEE Access, volume 10, p. 51708--51722
"A Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Dynamic Characterization of Cylinbdrical Batteries"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, F. Li, P. Cortes, E. MacDonald, K. Choo
IEEE Access, volume 10
"Experimental Evaluation of Wind Tunnel Test Apparatus for Active Flow Control"
A. Pesch, D. Hess
ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference
"Condition Monitoring of Active Magnetic Bearings"
A. Pesch, P. Scavelli
Actuators, volume 8, issue 1
"Condition Monitoring of AMBs on the IoT"
A. Pesch, P. Scavelli
16th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings
"Uncertainty Bounding of CFRP Beams Towards Robust Control of Flexible Composite Structures"
A. Pesch, T. LongJohn, K. Wagner, B. McAndrews
ASME Dynamic Systems Control Conference
"Active Magnetic Bearing Online Levitation Recovery through mu-synthesis Robust Control"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
Actuators, volume 6, issue 1
"Carbon Fiber Composite Beam Damage Model Identification"
A. Pesch, R. Madden, R. Martin, J. Sawicki
ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intellegent Systems
"Robust Controller Design for AMB Levitation Recovery"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
15th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings
"Model-based Design in Mechanical Engineering: An Undergraduate Curriculum with a Coherent Theme"
J. Vaccaro, K. Craig, A. Pesch
ASEE's 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition
"Freshman Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB and Simulink"
R. De Guzman, J. Vaccaro, A. Pesch, K. Craig
ASEE's 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition
"A Combined Model-based Identification and Model Validation Approach for Damage Identification"
R. Madden, A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
The 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
"Stabilizing Hydrodynamic Bearing Oil Whip with mu-synthesis Control of an Active Magnetic Bearing"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
ASME Turbo Expo 2015
"Model Validation for Identification of Damage Dynamics"
R. Madden, J. Sawicki, A. Pesch
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, volume 137, issue 6
"Magnetic Bearing Spindle Tool Tracking through mu-synthesis Robust Control"
A. Pesch, A. Smirnov, O. Pyrhonen, J. Sawicki
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, volume 20, issue 3
"High-Precision Cutting Tool Tracking with a Magnetic Bearing Spindle"
A. Smirnov, A. Pesch, O. Pyrhonen, J. Sawicki
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, volume 137, issue 5
"A Case Study in Control Methods for Active Magnetic Bearings"
A. Pesch, S. Hanawalt, J. Sawicki
ASME Dynamic Systems Control Conference
"Model Validation for Damage Identification and Determination of Local Damage Dynamics"
R. Madden, A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
The 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics
"Implementation of Energy-Saving AMB Control Through Smart Switching Bias Current"
A. Smirnov, A. Pesch, O. Pyrhonen, J. Sawicki
16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
"Structural Change Quantification in Rotor Systems Based on Resonance and Antiresonance Frequencies Extracted from Frequency Response Functions"
A. Wroblewski, A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, volume 136, issue 2
"Experimentally Based Prediction of Machining Chatter Characteristics for AMB Spindle"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
The 1st Brazilian Workshop on Magnetic Bearings
"Structural Change Quantification in Rotor Systems Based on Resonance and Antiresonance Frequencies Extracted From Frequency Response Functions"
A. Wroblewski, A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
ASME Turbo Expo 2013
"Application of Robust Control to Chatter Attenuation for a High-Speed Machining Spindle on Active Magnetic Bearings"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
13th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings
"Rotor Model Updating and Validation for an Active Magnetic Bearing Based High-Speed Machining Spindle"
A. Wroblewski, J. Sawicki, A. Pesch
ASME Turbo Expo 2012
"Rotor Model Updating and Validation for an Active Magnetic Bearing Based High-Speed Machining Spindle"
A. Wroblewski, J. Sawicki, A. Pesch
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, volume 134, issue 12
"High-Speed AMB Machining Spindle Model Updating and Validation"
A. Wroblewski, J. Sawicki, A. Pesch
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE
"Experimental Investigation of Minimum Power Consumption Optimal Control for Variable Speed AMB Rotor"
G. Barbaraci, A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
ASME International Mechanical Engieering Congress and Exposition
"Uncertainty Range Estimation for mu-synthesis Control of AMB Spindle"
A. Pesch, J. Sawicki
The 10th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control
"Condition Monitoring of Rotor Using Active Magnetic Actuator"
J. Sawicki, M. Friswell, A. Pesch, A. Wroblewski
ASME Turbo Expo 2008
"Transient Thermal and Electrical Characteristics of a Cylindrical LiFeS2 Cell with Equivalent Circuit Model"
K. Alsharif, A. Pesch, V. Borra, P. Cortes, E. MacDonald, F. Li, K. Choo
Dimensions [mm], volume 14, p. 50--5