Each Department or college has a procedure for either assigning an advisor to a student or having the student select an advisor.
Change of Registration and Cancellation of Registration
Students should consult their advisors prior to changing their schedules. In general, each student who needs an advisor's approval for registration must also have an advisor's approval for add/drop (change of registration).
Closed or Conference Courses
Departments set limits to the number of students that can be accommodated in each section. During the registration period or the prior for adding courses, many classes become filled. These classes are called "Closed," which means that no more student will be admitted to them. Only the chair of the department offering the course can admit a student to a closed class or reopen a closed class.
Declaring or Changing a Major
A student may enter the University as an undetermined major. A major and minor (if required) must be declared by the time the student has completed 63 semester hours.
Grade Requirements and Grading System
Four categories of academic standing are established: Good Standing, Warning, Probation, and Suspension. These categories are intended to signify a student's progress toward graduation or to provide an opportunity for making improvements and achieving academic success.
Faculty assign grades on the basis of achievement in the subject matter of the course and in accordance with accepted professional standards for that subject. The grade earned by a student thus represents the quality of work and is not based merely on competition within the class.
Repetition of Courses
A student may repeat a course once, unless otherwise stipulated in the course description or unless an additional repetition or unless an additional repetition is authorized by the student's academic dean. If the course is a prerequisite to another course, the course repetition must be successfully
Withdrawal From the University
The student who wishes to withdraw from all courses in a particular term must access the registration system on the PenguinPortal or come to the Office of the Registrar. Any student receiving Title IV financial aid should seek advisement from the Office of Financial Aid prior to precessing a complete withdrawal. A complete withdrawal may be executed before classes or after therm starts