Invite an Employer to Class!
Do you want to offer your students the opportunity to speak to an employer or alumnus directly working in their field? If so, we encourage you to contact the Office of Career and Academic Advising so that we may assist you in making the arrangements. This provides additional insight to their chosen field.
Do you know of a job opening or internship opportunity?
If you become aware of a job opening or internship opportunity, please contact the Office of Career and Academic Advising and we will assist the employer with posting their opportunity in Handshake. By sharing this information with our office more students and alumni will have the chance to view the posting. Please contact Mary Dillingham at 330-941-3299 or for assistance.
Attend Career Fairs and other Events
Please encourage your students to attend our Career Fairs and other events sponsored by the Office of Career and Academic Advising. Prior to the event, students should visit our office for help with their resumes, cover letters, interviewing, etc.