Center for Career Management - About Us

About Our Services

The Center for Career Management utilizes an assessment tool called PathwayU. PathwayU is a career assessment which focuses on your Interests, Values, Workplace Preferences, and Personality. The assessment will highlight your primary interests, values, and workplace preferences, as well as provide your score within six (6) areas of personality. Your career matches will be sorted by match strength and you are able to narrow your results through the filters on the left side of the screen.

Resume Assistance

A resume tells your professional story and is used when you apply for an internship or job. The Center for Career Management will assist you in creating a resume from scratch or in updating your resume. The Center for Career Management provides suggestions based on employer feedback and research.

Cover Letter Assistance

A cover letter accompanies a resume anytime you apply for a position through an application, in an email, or via mail. A cover letter is an introduction to who you are professionally and highlights your professional skills and accomplishments. Cover letters are often intimidating to write, but the Center for Career Management will guide you through each section of a cover letter to ensure you have a professional letter.

Internship and Career Search

An effective strategy is key when searching for an internship or job upon graduation. A strategy will ensure you stay on track when searching for positions and when applying for positions. The Center for Career Management will help you develop an effective strategy. We are also here if you need to discuss your different options. We won’t give you an answer, but we will provide you with different pieces to consider.

Mock Interviews

It is important to be prepared for every interview, no matter if it is phone, video, or in person. The Center for Career Management will walk you through a typical interview as well as ask you interview questions. We will make sure you feel comfortable answering the questions before your big interview!


Networking is creating connections with individuals to exchange information and ideas. It is important to connect with several individuals both personally and professionally. Networking will happen anywhere, so it is important to always be prepared. The Center for Career Management will assist you with developing your elevator pitch and questions to ask when networking.

LinkedIn Assistance

Building your network is important, both at the start of your professional career and throughout your career. One way to keep in touch with your network is through LinkedIn. Ensuring you have a completed LinkedIn profile will help in networking through the platform, as well as in potentially finding a job. Make an appointment with the Center for Career Management to review your profile!

Dress for Success

Professional dress is important when networking, interviewing, and in your career. The Center for Career Management has guides for professional dress and will answer any questions you may have regarding professional attire.