Course Creation Tips

Initiate a change to an existing course or propose a new course. Log in with YSU credentials. You can search for an existing course to change, or create a new course.

As you edit/propose courses, please carefully choose the correct course type based on the HEI descriptions (which will pop up when you go to populate the field) and the most specific CIP code possible for the course.

Please carefully specify prerequisites and co-requisites. Is a lab required to be taken concurrently? All these must be correctly specified in the proposal.

All course changes and additions (including prereq changes) require a syllabi!

All syllabi must include the following: 

  • Course descriptions on syllabi that match what is listed in Courseleaf (consistent regardless of who is teaching the course) 
  • Accurate course types based upon the H.E.I. description 
  • Appropriate learning outcomes for the course (consistent in all sections, regardless of who is teaching the course)
  • For swing courses, the syllabus must specify different learning outcomes for the undergraduate and graduate students as well as differentiation in grading or assessment
  • Approximate breakdown of activities, including time spent when the course classification qualifies for more than one category (i.e., if the course is both lecture and lab, then the time breakdown spent in lecture and time spent in lab). 
  • A tentative schedule of the course (not just the University schedule) of the course itself 
  • Updated disability services and academic dishonesty information. The most updated statements (and a recommended syllabus template) are available on the Academic Senate website.

Once you submit the course, you may log into the CourseLeaf system using the link above and see where the course is in the Workflow.

For any questions, please feel free to contact Tom Wakefield,, x3302