Academic Senate Charter


In recognition of the essential role of the faculty in the development of policies concerning the academic functions and activities of the University, it is appropriate for the Senate to have primary responsibility for the development of new policies, or changes in existing policies, integral and essential to the academic functions and activities of the University.

In further recognition of the responsibilities of the faculty to the University community, the Senate shall have the right to make such studies as it considers necessary, and recommend to the administration changes that said studies indicate are appropriate.



The purpose of this charter shall be the furtherance of the recognized role of the faculty concerning academic functions and activities of the University; to provide an orderly manner, including the establishment of Bylaws, through which the faculty may assume its role; to provide for the expression of opinions from others in the University community who are also interested in the academic functions and activities of the University; and, to provide the faculty with the means to conduct such studies as may become necessary to the expression of a responsible opinion.

It is directed that a Senate be established for the purpose of implementing the recognized role of the faculty.  It shall be known as THE ACADEMIC SENATE.



For the purpose of this Charter and Bylaws, the meaning of the following terms shall be:

Section 1.  College

College shall mean an academic unit under the direction of an undergraduate dean regardless of the name assigned to the academic unit.

Section 2.  Academic Department

An academic department shall be defined as one of the following:

(a) An academic unit which provides instruction for academic credit and which is administered by a chair budgeted under, and responsible to, the dean of an undergraduate college.

(b) A college which is not separated into academic departments.

(c) A school which is a subdivision of a college, which is not separated into academic departments, and which is responsible to the undergraduate dean of that college.

Section 3.  Faculty

Faculty shall include all those employed as full service personnel who hold academic rank and are paid, at least in half-part, by one or more academic departments.  Their home department shall be that academic department in which the greater portion of their salary is budgeted and where they shall have the right to cast ballots.  In cases where a major portion cannot be defined, the home department shall be the academic department where the person holds academic rank.

Section 4.  Administrators

Administrators shall include all non-classified employees of the University who do not meet the above definition as Faculty.

Section 5.  Faculty Administrators

For the purpose of this Charter and Bylaws, all academic department chairs, assistant deans of colleges, and directors of schools, who meet the above definition as Faculty, shall also be considered as administrators.


Section 1. Membership

The Senate shall have a membership of not less than one hundred, composed of the following representation:

(a) Student representatives shall number fifteen.

(b) Administrators shall number fifteen.

(c) Faculty representatives shall number not less than seventy.

Section 2.  Selection of membership

The selection of Senators shall be:

(a) For students:

(1) Non-elected representatives; by virtue of their elected posts, the President, Vice-President, and Second Vice-   President of Student Government shall have automatic Senate membership.

(2) Elected representatives:

(A) One student shall be elected from each college as defined by Student Council; and,
(B) The remaining student representatives shall be elected at large from among the student body.

All elected student representatives shall be elected in accordance with the rules, regulations, and qualifications established by Student Council, except that every elected Senator shall be in good standing at the time of the elections.

(b) The Administrators shall be appointed by the President of the University, except that their number shall include the Provost and the Dean of each college.  All Faculty Administrators appointed to the Senate shall be so appointed prior to the elections of the Faculty Senators.  The remainder of the Faculty Administrators are eligible to seek election as Faculty.

(c) Faculty Senators shall have at least seventy seats.  Said seats shall be distributed according to the following formula:

(1) Each college as an academic unit shall be assigned four seats; and

(2) The remaining seats shall be apportioned to each college in proportion to the total faculty departmental assignments (including fractional parts and also including all of a department chair’s departmentally budgeted time) in that college.  The determination of faculty departmental assignments in each college shall be at a time and in a manner provided in the Bylaws.

(3) From the number of seats apportioned to each college, the faculty of each academic department shall elect one representative from among themselves.  In the event that there are more departments in a particular college than seats apportioned to that college, the minimum number of faculty Senate seats shall be increased by that number without regard to the minimum number of seventy.

(4) Any remaining seats apportioned to a college shall be filled by an at-large election within that college.

(5) Any Faculty member shall have the right not to seek election as provided in the Bylaws.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Senate members shall have the following terms of office which shall begin at a time specified in the Bylaws.

(a) The Student Senators’ term of office shall be one year and they may succeed themselves.

(b) Administrative Senators

(1) By virtue of their administrative posts, the Provost and undergraduate Deans shall have an indefinite term of office.

(2) Appointed members of the Administration shall have a term of one year and may be reappointed by the President of the University.

(c) Faculty Senators

(1) Academic departmental representatives.  Senators who have been elected by their department shall have a term of two years and may not serve two consecutive two-year terms as departmental representatives.

(2) Senators elected at large shall have a term of one year and may succeed themselves.

Section 4.  Officers of the Senate

(a) A Chair of the Senate shall be elected annually by the Senate from among the Senate members as provided in the Bylaws.

(b) The runner-up shall be designated as the Vice Chair.

(c)  The Chair of the Senate shall appoint a Secretary and a Parliamentarian with confirmation by the Senate.

Section 5.  Meetings

(a) The Senate shall meet at least twice each fall, winter, and spring quarter at the call of the Executive Committee of the Senate.

(b) Additional meetings may be called by the Chair of the Senate or by a majority vote of the Senate at any meeting.

(c) Proposed recommendations and reports of the various committees which necessitate Senate voting, together with the agenda, shall be circulated to members of the Academic Senate, the Faculty, and any others designated by the Executive Committee at least five days prior to a Senate meeting at which such recommendations are to be considered.  Simple motions of acceptance of a report shall not constitute Senate voting or endorsement. All proceedings of the Senate shall be reduced to minutes and similarly distributed.

(d) A quorum for any meeting shall consist of a majority of the membership.

(e) Except as otherwise provided, all business of the Senate shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order.



The Senate shall have two classifications of committees, chartered and those created by the Executive Committee.

Section 1.

The chartered committees of the Senate are its standing committees and shall be divided into three categories, elected, appointed, and elected/appointed chartered committees.

(a) Elected charter committees:

(1) The Elections and Balloting Committee

(2) The Charter and Bylaws Committee

(3) The Executive Committee

(b) Appointed chartered committees (as listed in the Bylaws of the Charter of the Academic Senate).

(c) Elected/appointed chartered committees.

Section 2.

The composition and function of the elected chartered committees shall be:

(a) The Elections and Balloting Committee
(1) The membership of the Elections and Balloting Committee shall consist of one faculty member from each college to be elected from that college by the faculty of that college, each to serve a two-year term.

(2) Eligibility and election procedures shall be as specified in the Bylaws.

(3) The Elections and Balloting Committee shall implement the provisions of the Bylaws as they relate to elections and balloting.
(b) The Charter and Bylaws Committee
(1) The Charter and Bylaws Committee shall consist of six members, with three members elected annually by the Senate, each to serve a two-year term.

(2) Eligibility and election procedures shall be as specified in the Bylaws.

(3) The Charter and Bylaws Committee shall receive or originate, consider, and recommend to the Senate such revisions of the Charter and Bylaws as are deemed necessary, reasonable, and desirable.

This committee shall make interpretations of the meaning and intent of Articles and Bylaws when questions are brought to the committee by Senate members or Senate Committees.  Such interpretations are to be reported to the Senate for its information.  If the Senate, by majority vote, objects to an interpretation, the Charter and Bylaws Committee must submit a proposal for a Charter and Bylaws revision which would clarify the issue.  Until the issue is resolved, any action based on the disputed interruption shall be held in abeyance.
(c) The Executive Committee
(1) Composition

(i) The Faculty Senators of each of the colleges shall elect one of themselves as a member of the Committee.  To serve on the Executive Committee, Senate membership shall be required only at the time of election;

(ii)  The Administrative Senators shall elect one of themselves as a member of the committee;

(iii)  The student Senators shall elect one of themselves as a member of the Committee; and,

(iv)  The Chair of the Senate by virtue of the office shall be a member and chair of the Committee.

(v) The Vice Chair of the Senate and the Secretary of the Senate by virtue of their offices shall be members of the committee.
(B) The terms of office
(i) The elected faculty membership shall have terms of three years, one-third of whom shall be elected annually as specified in the Bylaws.  No such members of the Executive Committee may be elected for two full consecutive terms.

(ii) All other members of the Committee shall have a term of one year and may succeed themselves.

(2) Functions

(A) The Executive Committee shall assign members of the appointed committees of the Senate as specified in the Bylaws.  The Executive Committee may refer matters either directed to its attention or self-initiated to the appropriate chartered committee.  Where a matter requires the attention of a committee, other than a chartered committee, the Executive Committee may appoint such subcommittees or ad hoc committees as it deems appropriate.  If directed by the Senate, the Executive Committee shall establish such committees.

(B) The Executive Committee shall specify the charge for any subcommittee or ad hoc committee it establishes.

(C) The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for Senate meetings and transact such other ongoing routine business as may be directed to them.
(3) The Executive Committee shall act provisionally for the Senate in matters of liaison with the Administration, and in matters requiring immediate attention.

(4) The Executive Committee shall report its actions to the Senate at regular meetings of the Senate.



Any action (including amendments to the Bylaws) of the Senate, and reports (interpretations) to the Senate under Article IV, Section 2 (b) (3) may be challenged either by the President of the University or a member of the Faculty.

Section 1.  Challenge of a Senate action.

(a) The President’s challenge, along with the reasons for the challenge, must be given to the Executive Committee in writing within nineteen calendar days of the Senate meeting at which the action was taken.

(b) Upon challenge, the Senate action at issue shall be temporarily suspended.

(c) At the next meeting of the Senate, the Executive Committee shall present the challenge to the Senate.

(d) The President or his or her designate may speak on behalf of his or her challenge.

(e) If the challenge is supported by a majority of the Senate members present, then the Senate action becomes null and void.

(f) If the challenge is not upheld by the Senate, the President of the University shall submit the matter to the Board of Trustees for final disposition.

Section 2.  Any member of the faculty may challenge any action of Senate.

(a) A member of the Faculty wishing to challenge an action of the Senate must, in writing, present the challenge along with the reasons to the Executive Committee within nineteen calendar days of the Senate meeting at which the action was taken.  The challenge must be supported by the signatures of at least forty faculty members with no more than half of that number from any one college.

(b) Upon challenge, the Senate action at issue shall be temporarily suspended.

(c) At the next meeting of the Senate, the Executive Committee shall present the challenge to the Senate.

(d) The challenger shall have the right to speak on behalf of his or her challenge.

(e) If the challenge is supported by a majority of the Senate members present, then the Senate action becomes null and void.

(f) If the challenge is not upheld by a majority but is supported by a minority, one-third plus one of the Senate members present, then the challenge, under the direction of the Executive Committee, shall go to the entire faculty for vote.  By a majority of those voting the Faculty may support the challenge in which case the action is null and void provided this majority represents more than one-third of the Faculty.

(g) If the challenge is not upheld in the Senate by either a majority vote or minority vote, then the challenge is defeated and the Senate action becomes effective.



Section 1. The Charter and Bylaws Committee shall propose any Amendments to this Charter and shall submit them in the following manner:

(a) The proposed Charter Amendments shall be mailed by the Secretary to the Senators at least one week prior to being submitted to the Senate for consideration.

(b) At the meeting of the Senate at which the amendment is to be considered, the Charter and Bylaws Committee Chair shall place the Amendment before the Senate.  Upon affirmative majority vote of the Senate, the Amendment shall be submitted to the faculty by the Secretary for mail balloting.  The ballot shall include a complete statement of the proposed Amendment and shall provide a space for the faculty to vote for or against the adoption of the proposed Amendment.  In order to be tallied, the ballot shall be returned to the Secretary within ten days after it is mailed by the Secretary.  The Secretary shall be assisted by two tellers who are members of the Academic Senate and the results shall be announced at the next Senate meeting.

(c) Upon a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting Faculty, with at least one-half of the Faculty having voted, the amendment shall be submitted to the President of the University and the Board of Trustees for ratification.

(d) Upon fulfillment of the foregoing requirements, the Amendment shall become effective immediately.
Last Updated November 7, 2007