Individualized Curriculum Program

You march to the beat of a different drum. You don't fit in a box. Traditional academic programs don't fit your goals, but a bachelor's degree does. Create your own degree through the Individualized Curriculum Program.

What You'll Study

The Individualized Curriculum Program (ICP) is designed for the serious student whose educational goals aren't served by existing majors. It's a program that allows students, with the assistance of a faculty committee, to create unique interdisciplinary majors.

There are two types of individualized programs. Standard ICPs are curriculum plans that combine courses from typically more than two disciplines to result in concentrations that have been approved by the departments involved and are available to multiple students. There are also unique ICPs, where individual students work to develop a curriculum to address their needs and/or interests with the assistance of a faculty committee.

Examples of some Individualized Curriculum Program concentrations are:


  • Individualized Curriculum Program

    Students with sophomore standing and a GPA of at lease 2.5 may consider this option. Schedule a meeting with the ICP Director, DeBartolo Hall 104 or 330.941.4728, to discuss ICP options and eligibility.

One More Thing

"The opportunity to create my own ICP has been extremely beneficial to my undergraduate studies and future career path after graduation. My ICP has allowed me to cross disciplines, allowing me to create contacts in multiple departments, and conduct interdisciplinary research. I have been able to tailor my education to fit my exact career goals, allowing me to attend national conferences, and obtain a diverse education in preparation for a graduate program in Sociology. The ICP has allowed me to take classes in English, psychology, geography, Spanish and sociology, an ideal mix to make me familiar with urban studies."


Megan Evans, Class of 2017