YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Smith, Ms. Jessica
Manager Scholarships Special ProgramsFinancial Aid and Scholarships -
Smith, Mr. Levi
Budget AdministratorCenter for Workforce Education and Innovation -
Smith, Mr. Rollen
Assistant Coach and Director of OperationsFootball -
Smith, Dr. Stephanie
ProfessorArt -
Smith, Ms. Suzanne
Associate ProfessorHealth Professions -
Smith, Ms. Tracy
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Smotzer, Dr. Thomas
ProfessorMathematics and Statistics -
Snodgrass, Mr. Austin
Business ManagerAthletic Ticket Office -
Snyder, Mr. Gary
Administrative Assistant 2Parking Services -
Sobhanie, Dr. Mohammad Safa
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Soles, Ms. Jennifer
Senior Academic Advisor 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences & Education -
Solomon, Dr. Constantin
ProfessorMechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering -
Soltis, Mr. Gene
Technology Support Technician 2IT Customer Services -
Song, Dr. Doori
Associate ProfessorMarketing -
Sopel, Mr. Mickael
Head CoachWomen's Tennis -
Sorg, Mrs. Lisa
Records Technician 2Registrar's Office -
Sowers, Jonathan
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Spalding, Mr. Devon
Assistant Coach Football- Stambaugh Stadium
Football -
Spearman, Dr. Patrick
Associate ProfessorTeacher Education -
Spencer, Mr. Bill
Associate Director Planning and ConstructionFacilities Office -
Sperry, Mr. Dana
ProfessorArt -
Spieler, Dr. Billie
LecturerGeology and Environmental Science -
Spisak, Tiffany
Part-time FacultyPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Spivey, Mr. Curt
Planetarium Engineer/Show Producer 2Physics and Astronomy -
Sracic, Dr. Paul
ProfessorPolitics, International Relations, and Rigelhaupt Pre-Law Center -
Staaf, Ms. Jennifer
Business Operations Specialist 2Undergraduate Admissions -
Stanek, Dr. Gary
Faculty EmeritusMathematics and Statistics -
Stanger, Mr. James
Director Technological ServicesFinancial Aid and Scholarships -
Starkey, Mr. Kyle
Senior Lecturer- DeBartolo Hall 538
History -
Steadman, Mr. Zachary
Boiler TechnicianFacilities Office -
College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Stefan, Ms. Lauren
LecturerNursing -
Stefan, Dr. Silvia
Assistant ProfessorHealth Professions -
Stegeman, Rachel
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music -
Steines, Mr. Joseph
Part-time Faculty- 330-941-3287
Engineering Technology -
Stephen, Katie
Clinical CounselorStudent Counseling Services -
Stevens, Ms. Maddie
Assistant ProfessorPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Stewart, Aubri
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Stewart, Mr. David
Part-time FacultyManagement and Marketing -
Stewart, Ms. Denise
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Stiles-Bodnar, Ms. Amber
Part-time FacultySocial Work -
Stipanovich, Mrs. Carrie
Academic Advisor 2Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences & Education -
Stipetich, Mr. James
Senior Academic Advisor 1College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
Stoner, Miss Hope
University Police Officer, Police Academy InstructorYSU Police -
Stourman, Dr. Nina
ProfessorChemistry -
Straley, Joel
Residence Hall MonitorHousing and Residence Life -
Streiner, Mr. Christopher
Manager PayrollPayroll -
Stringer, Dr. Sharon
Part-time FacultyPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Strollo, Mr. Ron
Executive DirectorAthletics -
Stuart, Mr. Tim
Senior Associate Athletic Director for External OperationsAthletic Facilities & Programs