Dr. Rebecca Barnhouse

Faculty Emeritus

Rebecca Barnhouse


  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994

I teach medieval literature, history of the English language, fiction writing, young adult literature, and other literature and writing courses.


Novels for young readers:

  • The Book of the Maidservant,
  • The Coming of the Dragon, and
  • Peaceweaver (all from Random House)

Scholarly/professional titles:

  • Recasting the Past: The Middle Ages in Young Adult Literature (Heinemann)
  • The Middle Ages in Literature for Youth (Scarecrow Press)
  • The Book of the Knight of the Tower: Manners for Young Medieval Women (Palgrave Macmillan)
  • The Old English Hexateuch: Aspects and Approaches, co-edited with Benjamin Withers (Medieval Institute Publications)

I am the English Department Literature Coordinator.