YSU Transfer Module Grid

Ohio Transfer 36 Logo


INSTITUTION: Youngstown State University

Effective Date: Spring 2014
Semester Hours Precede Course Number
Areas Minimum General requirements applied to tm (24 semester hours) Additional general education requirements applied to tm (12-16 semester hours) interdisciplinary hours applied to tm within areas i-v (ohio articulation & transfer policy:appendix b) general education requirements beyond the tm for graduation (courses listed in this column are not giaranteed to transfer
General Education Requirements Beyond the TM for Graduation
English/Oral Communication(Oral Communication-Column B) Minimum 3 Semester hours

Choose two:

(3) ENGL 1550 (TME001 First Writing)

(3) ENGL 1551 (TME002 Second Writing)

Choose one:

(3) CMST 1545

Mathematics,Statistics and Formal Logic Minimum 3 Semester hours

Choose one:

(4) MATH 1510 (TMM001 College Algebra)

(4) MATH 1570

(4) MATH 1571

(TMM005 Calculus I)

(4) MATH 1572

(TMM006 Calculus II)

(3) STA 2601

(TMM010 Introductory Statistics)

(3)MATH 3715

(4)MATH 2661

(3)MATH 2661C


Additional hours from approved TM courses in column A

*Arts/Humanities Minimum 6 semester hours

Choose two:

(3)AFST 2601**

(3)ART 1540**

(3)ART 1541

(3)ART 1542**

(3)ENGL 2610**

(3) ENGL 2617**

(3) ENGL2618**

(3) ENGL 2631

(3) ENGL2665

(3)MUHL 2621**

(3)MUHL 2616

(3)MUHL 2617

(3)PHIL 2625

(3)REL 2601**

(3)REL 2617**

(3)REL 2621

(3)REL 2631**

(3)THTR 1560

(3)THTR 1590

(3)THTR 2690

(3)ART 1543

(3)ART 1544

(3)ART 1545

Additional hours from approved TM courses in column A

*Social Sciences Minimum 6 semester hours

Choose two:

(3)AFST 2600**

(3)AMER/HIST 2605

(3)AMER/HIST 2606**

(3)ANTH 1500

(3)ECON 1501

(3)ECON 1502

(3)ECON 1503

(3)ECON 2610

(3)ECON 2630

(3)GEOG 2626**

(3)GEOG 2640**

(3)GEOG 2650**

(3)HIST 1500**

(3)HIST 1511/H

(3) HIST1512/H**

(3)POL 1550**

(3)POL 1560

(3)POL 2640**

(3)PSYC 1560

(3)SOC 1500

(3)TCOM 1595

(3)WMST 2601**

Additional hours from approved TM courses in column A


Social and Personal Awareness-Students who havenot completed any of the Social and Personal Awareness courses as part of the OTM completion will be subject to satisfying this requirement. (Courses listed in Column A with ** may be used to satisfy this requirement.)

Natural Sciences Minimum 6 semester hours

One Lab Course Required

Choose two:

(3)ASTR 1504

(3)BIOL 1505

(5)BIOL 1545

(4)BIOL 1551

(4)BIOL 1552

(4)BIOL 2601

(4)BIOL 2602

(3)CHEM 1500

(3)CHEM 1505

(3)CHEM 1506

(4)CHEM 1515

(4)CHEM 1516
(4)ENST 1500**

(3)GEOG 1503

(3)GEOG 2630

(3)GEOL 1504

(4)GEOL 1505

(3)GEOL 1510

(3)GEOL 2602

 (3)GEOL 2611

(3)PHYS 1500

(4)PHYS 1501

(4)PHYS 1502

(4)PHYS 2601

(4)PHYS 2602

(4)PHYS 2610

(4)PHYS 2611

(1)PHYS 1501L

(1)PHYS 1502L

(1)PHYS 2610L

(1)PHYS 2611L

Additional hours from approved TM courses in column A

Subtotal of Hours 30 6  

Within the major:Senior Capstone
Courses listed in this column are not guaranteed to transfer


*Courses in Areas III and IV must be from two different disciplines.


(Total of Columns A, B, and C)

The Transfer Module contains 36-40 semester hoursof course credit.

(Note: You can obtain a catalog/brochure that lists the TM “approved” courses from the institution.)